a Boolean value (0/1) to disable/enable and I guess most people will enable the script once the game has been started, so this is largely irrelevant, but I put it out there just in case.Īll options are disabled by default change the appropriate Boolean values to 1 to take effect.Īdded speed controls for the Overlord and the minions each with: So, if you're in the middle of a fight, be sure to enable the script first, let the game run for a sec (to pick up the pointers), and then enable One-hit-kill. Enabling both the main script and One-hit-kill at the same time in the middle of a fight is not advisable it may get you and your minions killed instantly. One-hit-kill applies to physical damage only, so it won't work with spells and this goes for your minion spells, too (i.e.
It seems that the Overlord's max mana bar won't update for some reason like the health bar. One more thing to keep in mind: changes in the minion limit are persistent (go into autosave). Not a big issue since you can get new minions on nearly all maps, but you'll lose the bonuses these lost creates have accumulated. Anyway, when I had more than 90 minions, they kept getting stuck at places and even disappear (!) from the game on map change. It seems that the sweet spot for minion limit is somewhere around 75 - so it's set to 60 in the script by default so as you gather stuff, it won't go too high. bEnableMinionMaxManaHack: Allows changing the minions' max mana to fDesiredMinionMaxMana - unless it's 0 or already higher, of course. Minions' mana does not seem to play a role though. Infinite mana applies to the minions only (and only those that have mana). bEnableMinionInfiniteMana: Allows replenishing the minions' mana, a.k.a. bEnableMinionMaxHealthHack: Allows changing the minions' max health to fDesiredMinionMaxHealth - unless it's already higher, of course. bEnableMinionhealth: Allows replenishing the minions' health, a.k.a. bEnableOverlordMaxManaHack: Allows changing the Overlord's max mana to fDesiredOverlordMaxMana - unless it's already higher, of course. Infinite mana applies to the Overlord only. bEnableOverlordInfiniteMana: Allows replenishing the Overlord's mana, a.k.a. bEnableOverlordMaxHealthHack: Allows changing the Overlord's max health to fDesiredOverlordMaxHealth - unless it's already higher, of course. bEnableOverlordHealth: Allows replenishing the Overlord's health, a.k.a. bEnableOneHitKill: Allows killing enemies with a single blow applies to both the Overlord and all minions. You'll need to pick up at least one gold for the game to refresh the other memory locations. bEnableGoldHack: Allows changing amount of gold to iDesiredGold - unless it's already higher, of course. bEnableMinionLimitHack: Allows changing minion limit to iDesiredMinionLimit - unless it's already higher, of course. v1.4 of the Overlord-Raising Hell binaries.

Since the binaries in the 1.4 patch are identical on both 'Overlord' and 'Overlord - Raising Hell', this table will work on both games. Lacking a decent game lately, I dug this game up from the closet.